Tuesday, February 26, 2008

my birthday boys

I wanted to document some of the things Seth has been saying over the past few days surrounding his birthday. He seemed to think that turning five was going to mean huge, immediate changes. You'll see what I mean....

"Mom, tomorrow when I'm five, what am I going to look like? What is my voice going to sound like?"
When I explained that he wasn't going to change overnight and that he grows a little bit every day, his response was "How am I ever going to get big, then?"

"So now that I'm five, I get to stop going to preschool and start going to kindergarten, right?"
This wasn't helped by the fact that we went on two school tours yesterday as I'm trying to pick which school Seth will be going to in August. He just doesn't understand why he doesn't get to go to kindergarten right now.

"Mom, now that I'm five, I can ride my bike somewhere by myself, right? Like to the store or something?"
I don't know where this came from.

Jonas had a birthday too, the day after Seth. He is such a sweet little boy. He's been taking tentative steps for a few weeks now. He is very good at playing independently, but he also loves to try and do exactly what his siblings are doing. He continues to not be a very good eater. He's showing the same signs of milk allergy that Maryn did at this age, so I am less than thrilled about that. He loves to climb and uses this skill to get into as many things as possible. I think he will be the first of my children to craw out of his crib. The only time he will sit still is when I read a book to him. His favorite is Good Morning, Good Night.
He says a few words...at least I think he does. When he's upset he yells something that sounds like "Mom!". He says "Da-da" when Jon comes home each day, and he waves and says something that sounds like "Hi!".

One last note, with all these birthdays- Maryn can't understand why it's not her birthday too. Luckily, Grandma B brought her a present when she brought presents for the boys- a Care Bear blanket and pillows that she loves! (pic to come)

And more pics and video to come of our weekend visitors. We had a fun, fun time with Papa, Grandma, Scotty and Rach. We love you!


Carlie said...

We were at disneyland when my niece had her 6th birthday, and when she woke up that morning she said, 'i don't feel older!' all day she was commenting that life wasn't so different.
we can't wait to come visit you too!

Audrey said...

Ryanna has been obsessed with her birthday happening for months now. The situation is not helped by the fact that time really doesn't mean anything to her. She just figured out what tomorrow means, so you can only imagine when I tell her it's months from now all she would ask is, "So you mean tomorrow?" Please!

Mindy said...

When Bailey had her birthday, Kade was so excited for her party and her cake. So, when Mat made a cake just for the heck of it the other day, Kade got all excited and thought it was time for his "birthday party." So, we let him pick the color of frosting(green) and we had a "Kade's cake party." He was very satisfied. Kade is going to flip when it really is his birthday.

mmhamblin said...

Jacob thinks he will suddenly be big when he turns 5 too! He says as soon as he turns 5 he will drive himself to kindergarten in a monster truck. He has some pretty high expectations!